Monday, December 29, 2008

The Best New Years Eve Parties In LA!

All of our friends keep asking us what we're doing for New Year's Eve and where the best parties are so i decided to write a blog about it! The promoters invite my girls and i to go to all of the parties, i think having us hotties there is good for business hehe =)

There are sooo many parties going on this year... but since i've been going out Hollywood so long i know the people throwing them and the places they are going to be at, and most of them are going to SUCK!

We hate to see people waste their time and money on lamoooo parties so my girls and i got together and wrote this blog to let you know which parties are going to be the best this year!

If you're doing New Year's Eve in Hollywood these are the only parties you should consider attending!

Our #1 Party Choice in Hollywood: Gridlock New Year's Eve with KATY PERRY!

For us girls there is no question where we are going to spend our New Year's Eve... with KATY PERRY!!! My friends actually got Katy Perry to perform at their party this year and we are soooo excited!!

They are having their party at Paramount Studios, which is an exact replica of New York City Times Square! They even have a real ferris wheel! We know the guys who are throwing this party and they have the hottest crowd in town and there is always a ton of celebs at their events, last year even Leo was at their party!

This party is also the cheapest party in town, tickets are only $100! Some of the WORST parties in town are charging like $150!!

The website with the information is, and you can buy tickets at, but here is a tip: buy tickets from one of the promoters directly and you will save on the transaction fees which are like $10 or $20 a ticket! Call our friend Robert and tell him you saw our blog and he will hook you up! (213) 509-6641. You can also email him at

Our 2nd party choice: Grand Opening of the club MyHouse!

This is going to be a really cool club. It used to be called the Garden Of Eden so you might have been there before or heard about it. Some of our other friends are doing this party and while they don't have as many celebrities at their parties their parties are usually pretty good, so it will probably be the 2nd best party. The tickets for this party are here:

Our 3rd party choice!

Umm actually there isn't one! We have heard about a bunch of mansion parties but do not be fooled by these parties! We made the mistake of going to one of these parties a few years ago when we first moved to LA, it was thrown by the same guys who are doing it again this year. They fooled us into thinking it would be a hot party with celebs but it was just a bunce of douchebags and skanks doing drugs all night! And then it got broken up by the cops just after midnight! luckily we got to go for free but i heard the people who paid didn't get their money back! Laaaaaaame.

So yeah, those are the best new years parties in la this, year, trust us, we know! We'll be at Katy Perry so if you know us you better be there too!

Happy new yearrrrrr!!

Casey, Chantaul, and Jessica =)

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